Orange PrePay. Change It Better. Orange is the brand used by France Telecom for its mobile network operator and Internet service provider subsidiaries. Orange operates as an ISP in France, the United Kingdom, Equatorial Guinea, Spain, Senegal, Slovakia and Switzerland. France Telecom ...
Try Loop DatePilot. Up Your Life. Loop Viag Interkom was created in order to compete for official licence to provide services in the German fixed and mobile telecommunications market at that time. Viag Interkom's mobile operations were transferred into the BT Wireless family and the ...
Telenor Loves Body Communication. Telenor is the incumbent telecommunications company in Norway. Telenor is mostly an international wireless carrier with operations in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and Asia. It is currently ranked as the seventh largest carrier in the world, with 143 million ...
Coast to Coast Walkie-Talkie In Under a Second. Sprint Nextel Corporation (NYSE: S) is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the US. With 53.8 million subscribers,[2][3] Sprint Nextel operates the third largest wireless telecommunications network in the United States (based on total ...
The Best Price For Life. Comcast Comcast is the largest cable television company and the second largest Internet service provider in the United States Titlu reclama : Time Machine - Comcast Companie & Brand : Comcast Categorie reclama video :Communication ...
Do What You Do Best 24/7. BT Bringing It All Together. BT Group is the largest communications service provider in the United Kingdom. It is also one of the largest communication companies in the world. Titlu ...
3G From Telenor. New Day. New Opportunities. Telenor is mostly an international wireless carrier with operations in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and Asia. It is currently ranked as the seventh largest carrier in the world, with 143 million subscribers. ...
MobiTV. Cellular South Cellular South is one of the largest privately held wireless providers in the United States and is licensed to provide wireless service to a population of more than five million people. ...
Cheap Calls Are Hard To Resist. Tele2 Tele2 AB is one of Europe's biggest telecommunications operators with about 20 million customers in 14 countries. It serves as a fixed-line telephone operator, cable television provider, mobile phone operator, internet service provider. ...
3G High Speed Experience. always By Your Side. Fido Fido Solutions is a Canadian cellular telephone service provider. Fido was the first carrier in Canada to launch a GSM-based network and the first wireless service provider in North America to ...